Monday 9 April 2007

Breakfast / Lunch Menus

Works been pretty hectic recently so I’ve not had an on-line rant for a while. I probably should have a rant about work getting in the way of life but instead I’m going to choose menus. Not that I have anything against menus per se, let’s face it they’re very useful. It’s just the time-based variety of the “breakfast served until 11am” ilk. I don’t even have an issue with the principle of the things, it’s when some jobsworth enforces the timing to the minute.

This morning was a fine example: I was in a café that served the breakfast menu until noon. 11:50am - A French tourist tried to order a hot sandwich: “Sorry, we don’t serve those until midday, they’re only on the lunch menu. The breakfast menu is here….”. Please, it’s sodding 10 minutes away. So, the guy can get a bacon sandwich or sausage sandwich or egg sandwich but the cook can’t manage a toasted cheese sandwich? Well for 10 minutes anyway. What, will the staff get sacked for serving a “lunch” item 10 minutes early. Is the toast machine locked up until noon? For God’s sake, just serve the bloody sandwich!

And before you ask, I know he was a tourist as I’m on Skye and he had 5 tour guide books with him…. And yes, I know I wouldn’t normally sympathise with a Frenchman but this menu thing is actually more irritating than a nation that goes on strike and blockades ports if they don’t get 25% pay rises every year. Well perhaps not but that’s a different rant….

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