Monday 9 April 2007

Breakfast / Lunch Menus

Works been pretty hectic recently so I’ve not had an on-line rant for a while. I probably should have a rant about work getting in the way of life but instead I’m going to choose menus. Not that I have anything against menus per se, let’s face it they’re very useful. It’s just the time-based variety of the “breakfast served until 11am” ilk. I don’t even have an issue with the principle of the things, it’s when some jobsworth enforces the timing to the minute.

This morning was a fine example: I was in a cafĂ© that served the breakfast menu until noon. 11:50am - A French tourist tried to order a hot sandwich: “Sorry, we don’t serve those until midday, they’re only on the lunch menu. The breakfast menu is here….”. Please, it’s sodding 10 minutes away. So, the guy can get a bacon sandwich or sausage sandwich or egg sandwich but the cook can’t manage a toasted cheese sandwich? Well for 10 minutes anyway. What, will the staff get sacked for serving a “lunch” item 10 minutes early. Is the toast machine locked up until noon? For God’s sake, just serve the bloody sandwich!

And before you ask, I know he was a tourist as I’m on Skye and he had 5 tour guide books with him…. And yes, I know I wouldn’t normally sympathise with a Frenchman but this menu thing is actually more irritating than a nation that goes on strike and blockades ports if they don’t get 25% pay rises every year. Well perhaps not but that’s a different rant….

Wednesday 4 April 2007

Hotels (part 2)

Why do most hotel chains insist on replacing the soap and shampoo during the middle of your stay? Who on earth complains that they’ve had to use a bar of soap for more than two days? Now obviously having your guests run out of toiletries mid-stay would be a bad thing, but why not just leave a spare set in the room? This would surely save the hotel a fortune in toiletries and be considerably less wasteful. Stop it!