Friday 23 March 2007

Toilet Rolls

My first entry isn't really a rant, more of an introduction to the way my brain is wired. I wonder why I think so much about the details that most other people don't give a second thought? Take toilet rolls: To me there's clearly a right and wrong way to hang a toilet roll....

When I lived alone I thought loose sheet to the wall was the way to go. After all it is a little bit tidier that way. But after much pondering, and the experience of sharing the house with my wife, I realise that this is quite wrong: The only way to go for 'the thinker' is loose sheet out. It's only mildly less aesthetic but makes grasping the sheet so much easier, particularly if the wall is some distance away. Plus there's the benefit of protecting the wall from manicured nails and manicured nails from walls. (Before you ask I'm talking about the wife's, not mine. As 'a thinker' mine are obviously chewed all the way down....).

So, what about the vertical pole type holder? Easy, these are totally wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Considered more 'posh' by hotels and guest houses at least, these contraptions really are dumb: The roll doesn't spin properly and the loose sheet is invariably hanging down the side away from you. This simply can't happen with the trustly horizontal pole. This is so obvious....

So, there you have it; a good example of the totally pointless thinking that my brain occupies itself with on a daily basis....

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